Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

applicant so that the applicant can determine whether they want to continue the matter to resolve the issues or proceed.

15. The finalized reports related documents and materials are included in an electronic agenda packet and placed in Drop box software by the MSA on the Friday before the Tuesday PC hearing. The MSA also posts the agenda on the City website and e-notifications are sent to Commissioners and others requesting notification.

See our earlier recommendation under the “Planning Commission” heading regarding delivering packets at least 7 days before a scheduled meeting.

16. The assigned project planner may receive email questions about the project from individual PC members that they answer prior to the hearing. The planner also prepares a Power Point presentation prior to the hearing.

17. The PC hearing is held on the 2 nd & 4 th Tuesdays. A final decision may be rendered or the project may be continued. The PC can deny, approve or approve the project with conditions. If the project involves an environmental document, the environmental document is adopted. 18. Following the PC hearing, the PC Chair signs the Resolution, and a copy is sent to the applicant and placed in the file. In addition, environmental notices are filed (e.g., Notice of Determination, etc.) and the file is closed following the expiration of the appeal period.

19. If the PC is acting in a recommending capacity on a project that requires City Council approval, the project proceeds through the City Council approval process.

City Council Approval Process

1. Following the PC hearing, the assigned project planner coordinates PC conditions and project revisions (if any) with the applicant and a Council hearing date is confirmed through the City Clerk.

2. A 10-day public notice of the Council meeting is provided, as described above, which may be concurrent with the staff report update process.

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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