Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

3. The assigned planner uses Legistar software to update the staff report and prepares a Council Ordinance. The staff report is created in Legistar software and the PC report is added as an attachment. The report and other documents are forwarded to the Director for review and finalizing.

4. Director reviews reports and documents for Council hearing.

5. Director finalizes reports and documents for Council hearing.

6. The City Clerk incorporates the materials into the electronic Council agenda packet and posts packets the Thursday before the Wednesday Council Hearing, which are held on the 1 st and 3 rd Monday of each month.

7. A Council Hearing is held and the first reading of the Ordinance is completed. The Council can deny, approve or approve with conditions.

8. A Second Hearing is held to conduct a second reading of the Ordinance.

9. Following the Second hearing, the Clerk finalizes the Ordinance, which is uploaded into Laserfische. The assigned project planner files appropriate environmental notices, completes project accounting and closes out the file.

Residential Development Control System Process (RDCS)

The RDCS is a residential growth pacing system approved by voter Initiative (Measure E) in 1977. Voters amended Measure E in 1990, through the passage of Measure P and again in 2004, through the passage of Measure C. As noted earlier in this report, the City is currently studying the RDCS system for potential streamlining opportunities. As such, we provide only a brief summary of the existing process, rather than an evaluation, since it is a major processing effort in the Department. The RDCS is an allocation process that occurs annually and developers/property owners that want to build residential housing units that don’t fall under any of the established exemptions, are required to compete for the annual distribution of housing allocations. Projects are evaluated under competition categories so that like projects are compared in order to ensure a fair review process. The Council decides the total number of annual allotments and the specific number of allotments by competition category, based on a formula. Projects that conform to the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance are evaluated against a series of standards and review criteria established for the

Morgan Hill, California


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