Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
Planning Commission The Planning Commission is not well respected. Staff and the Commission are often on the opposite side of issues.
The Commission gets the staff report on Thursday night but some members feel they need more time to review.
Planning/Public Works There are many conflicts between planning and public works.
Problem Solving Most Morgan Hill managers are seen as good problem solvers and willing to work with you, particularly the Assistant City Manager and the Building Manager. However, their agreements are not always followed through.
Staff Reports The applicant gets the staff report on Friday before the Tuesday meeting, which is not enough time for review.
Staffing Staff levels should be compared to five years ago. It seems like previously staff was more efficient.
Telephone Calls Some communities require calls to be returned in 24 hours.
Traffic Issues Traffic review often comes too late in the process.
D. C USTOMER E MAIL S URVEY A customer survey was sent to 138 customers with 9 returned or bounced for a total of 126. Only 18 surveys were returned for a return rate of 14%. This is near our normal return rate of 15 to 20%. Although we normally want at least 30 surveys for analysis, some useful data can be gleaned from the survey.
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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