Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

turnaround times. This report will include recommendations for establishing and meeting performance standards that are consistent with best practices. Given the challenges that the Building Division has faced during this recovery period, staff should be commended for the manner in which they have worked together to maintain their quality standards and a good working relationship with their customers. The results of our Customer Survey indicate a generally favorable opinion of the work performed by the staff in the Building Division. Our staff interviews revealed that they are aware of many of their current performance shortcomings and are committed to address them in the future through the implementation of many of the recommendations that will be contained in this report. The volume of recommendations contained in this report should not be interpreted as reflective of a poorly run organization that has not been striving to meet their customer’s expectations. Authority Title 15 of the Morgan Hill Municipal Code adopts the State mandated 2013 Edition of the California Building Standards Code and California Code of Regulations, Title 24 Parts 1,2,2.5,3,4,5,6,7,8, 10, 11 and 12. In addition the City has adopted certain amendments and appendices contained in these Codes. A summary of the adopted Codes is provided below:  Part 2: 2013 California Building Code (Based on the 2009 International Building Code - IBC);  Part 2.5: 2013 California Residential Code (Based on the 2009 International Residential Code - IRC);  Part 3: 2013 Electrical Code (Based on the 2011 National Electrical Code NEC);  Part 4: 2013 California Mechanical Code (Based on the 2012 Uniform Mechanical Code UMC);  Part 5: 2013 California Plumbing Code (Based on the 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code UPC);  Part 1: 2013 California Administrative Code;

 Part 6: 2013 California Energy Code;

 Part 7: 2013 California Elevator Safety Construction Code;

 Part 8: 2010 California Historical Building Code;

 Part 9: 2013 California Fire Code (Based on 2012 International Fire Code);

Morgan Hill, California


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