Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

 Part 10: 2013 California Existing Building Code (Based on 2009 International Existing Building Code – IEBC);

 Part 11: 2013 California Green Building Standards Code; and

 Part 12: 2013 California Referenced Standards Code.

Morgan Hill works closely with the Building Officials in the Santa Clara County region to avoid adopting numerous amendments to the building codes. This effort results in more consistent code interpretations across jurisdictional boundaries, which in turn reduces confusion for contractors and designers working in the region. During our review of the City’s Code adopting ordinances we did identify two (2) areas of the Municipal Code that should be changed to better reflect the Building Division’s actual operations. Specifically, the procedure utilized to establish permit fees still references the use of valuation tables; the City no longer uses this approach in favor of a process that estimates the actual amount of staff time required to provide permit processing, plan review and inspection services. In addition, the adopting ordinance includes extensive language on sustainable building requirements. These requirements have been superseded by minimum State requirements that the City has adopted by reference. The Building Official has been made aware of these needed changes and has indicated the City’s intent to make the necessary changes in conjunction with the next Code adoption cycle. 27. Recommendation: The Building Official should propose deletion of language that is no longer consistent with their current operations during the next Code adoption cycle. Basic Functions The primary function of the Building Division is to support the overall development review and inspection process. Staff works daily with members of the commercial development community and homeowners to identify and resolve construction code related deficiencies. The process is designed to protect the public and property by ensuring that the minimum health and life safety standards are incorporated into all new construction. This is achieved by working in cooperation with other Divisions within Community Development and other Departments including Public Works- Engineering. Unlike many other jurisdictions in the country, the Building Division is also responsible for performing the plan review and field inspection responsibilities for confirming compliance with the Fire Code and investigating zoning and other related complaints. Also included within the Building Division is the work performed by the City Geologist. The Building Division currently employs a total of ten (10) positions in a combination of full-time and part-time positions supporting the permit counter, plan review, field

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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