Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
Overview The Economic Development Division is focused on attracting investment to the City through various strategies including marketing the City as an appealing business location, establishing business-friendly policies and processes, high- quality job retention and expansion, enhancing tourism, place making and the downtown area and growing retail and industrial uses to expand the City’s tax base. In addition, Staff updates economic, demographic and development trend data and provides assistance to companies looking to start, expand, and/or relocate to the City of Morgan Hill and partners with the existing business community. In addition, the Economic Development Division acts as staff to the Redevelopment Successor Agency, implementing the process for property planning, disposition and development of downtown opportunity sites, the Specific Plan and priority development area goals and downtown place-making and Infrastructure Investment Plan recommendations. EDD Staff are funded in part by the General Fund and the Property Tax Increment Administrative Cost Allowance under the RDA Dissolution laws. EDD programs are funded by the General Fund as well as a portion of real property sale proceeds used for escrow and closing costs (one time funds) of the former RDA property that is sold for development.
The Economic Development Program of the Community Development Department generally derives authority from the City Code of Ordinances, such as Title 2, local policies and ordinance and federal and State Law.
Staffing for the Division consists of 2 FTE position, including an Economic Development Manager/Principal Planner and an Economic Development Coordinator.
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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