Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

74. Recommendation: The Economic Development Manager should improve the Division webpages through continual updates and adding information as noted above.

Also see our other recommendations for the CDD web pages earlier in this report.

Work Program/ Workshops

Division staff develops a work program for FY 2015/16 that was presented to council in a workshop. The work program outlined their accomplishments and identified action items (e.g., next steps) and key focus areas and work efforts, such as the preparation and adoption of an Economic Blueprint to identify a vision and set clear strategies to develop jobs and facilitate place-making for the city of Morgan Hill over the next 5 to 10 years. Staff also presented data to Council to show how well the City is doing capturing potential sales tax. In addition to the annual Council workshop, Division staff should also consider presenting Economic Development Program information annually to the Planning Commission to help educated members about key accomplishments and program initiatives. 75. Recommendation: The Economic Development Manager should consider conducting annual workshops with Planning Commission. Economic Development Strategy Economic Development staff are currently working with stakeholder groups (e.g., Kiwanis, Tourism Alliance, Chamber, School District, Downtown Assoc., Wineries Assoc., large employers, local developers, residents and others) to develop an Economic Blueprint for the City, which is excellent. The Economic Blueprint is a collaborative project that will identify a vision and set clear strategies to develop jobs and facilitate “place-making” for the city over the next 5-10 years. Advisory committees, an executive committee and a pathfinder committee have been assembled to create a vision and support strategies that evolve from stakeholder and focus group meetings. We support staff’s efforts in developing this action plan for Economic Development activities, as it will provide a clear vision, purpose and implementation strategy for D. P OLICY I SSUES

Morgan Hill, California


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