Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

advance the City’s economic development goals and vision (e.g., a high end for rent project).

In addition, as Ombudsman, staff is able to facilitate the expedited review of key economic development projects as needed. Staff said they feel they have been given sufficient appropriate authority to resolve review process disputes and free projects that are stuck in the review process by working collaboratively with development review teammates.


Currently, resources for this function consist of one full-time Manager/Principal Planner and one full-time Economic Development Coordinator. The Manager is a working position and has responsibility for developing and implementing action strategies, supervising the Coordinator position and doing the work. We did not receive feedback that this function was short staffed. The Economic Development Coordinator was recently hired and working on updating marketing materials and other higher priority projects and focus areas outlined in the Division work program. Training EDD staff indicated that training opportunity is limited due to budget constraints; however, they are able to attend important professional conferences, such as the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). Staff did identify a need for outside training on Microsoft Excel, which is an important tool used in their work efforts.


Recommendation: Excel training needs for EDD staff should be further defined, budgeted for and provided.

Web pages

Staff noted that the web pages for the Division need to be improved to better highlight key program initiatives and accomplishments. We agree the Division should also highlight news events such as local, regional and state level programs and regulations that affect local economic development activities (e.g., AB 2 and SB 107). Staff noted that the recent addition of an Economic Development Coordinator position will allow the Division to more frequently add and update web page content, which is good.

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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