Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016



Overview The Planning Division (PD) is one of four (4) divisions that make up the Community Development Department (CDD). The PD is comprised of two functions, including Current Planning and Long Range Planning Programs. The Division performs a variety of services intended to protect, maintain, and develop an attractive, safe, and healthy environment and provides direction and leadership in implementing the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan as adopted by the City Council. It is also responsible for the orderly development of the city and the administration of various land use regulations, including the zoning code, design review ordinances, sign code, and the cultural resources preservation ordinance, as well as providing technical assistance and staff support to the Planning Commission. Generally, the Current Planning Program is responsible for managing and implementing the City’s land use development regulatory permit system, including reviewing proposed plans for compliance with the zoning section of the Municipal Code, Specific Plans, the General Plan, state and federal development-related Regulations, such as the California Environmental Quality Act, administering the City’s Residential Development Control System (RDCS), enabling community participation in the planning process, coordinating outside agency review and consultant work related to planning and environmental review and other activities. The Long Range Planning Program is generally responsible for preparing, updating, monitoring and implementing the City’s adopted General Plan, which provides the overall framework for land use decision-making in the city. This Program is responsible for the development of City policies and ordinances to guide the ongoing use of land within Morgan Hill, such as the City’s Zoning Code, the Climate Action Plan and the establishment of environmental review thresholds. This function is also responsible for master planning and plays a key role in the City’s Downtown Revitalization focus area. The City has initiated an update of its General Plan (e.g., Morgan Hill 2035) and other major policy planning documents, such as the City’s Residential Development Control System (RDCS), which is slated to take 3+ years to complete.

The Planning Division programs are administered by professional planning staff and although each teammate has regularly designated responsibilities, at any time

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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