Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
someone may be asked to take on a task outside of their regular work assignments (e.g., perform long-range or current planning task).
The Current Planning function is funded by the Community Development Fund, (e.g., Special Revenue Fund, 206) from development processing fees that pay for service. The City is currently updating its fee schedule to support its full cost recovery strategy. The Long Range Program activities are funded by a combination of General Fund, Park Funds, Community Development, Drainage Impact, Sewer, Water Funds, and the Long Range Planning fee. The Planning Division is housed in City Hall, which is located at 17575 Peak Avenue. Figure 2 in the beginning of this report below shows the Planning Division Organization within the Community Development Department. The Current and Long-Range Planning Programs of the Planning Division derive their authority from various local regulations contained in the City of Morgan Hill Municipal Code (e.g., Code of Ordinances), such as Title 17 (Zoning Code), Title 18 (Subdivisions), Title 2 Administration and Personnel) and other land use related codes. Authority is also taken from federal law, as well as a multitude of land use laws contained in the California Statutes, such as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (California Public Resources Code, Section 21000, et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines (Section 15132), General Plan Laws (government code section 65300-65303.4), the Permit Streamlining Act (§65920 et. Seq.) , the Subdivision Map Act ( § 66410 et. Seq.), etc. Authority Staffing for the Division has fluctuated over the last five years in response to significant changes in market conditions. Currently, the Division is comprised of 9 regular fulltime staff including the Assistant City Manager for Community Development, the Community Development Director, 3 Senior Planners, 1 Associate Planner, 1 Assistant Planner, 1 Development Services Technician and 1 Municipal Services Assistant. In addition, the City just hired another Associate Planner, who will start sometime in February. In addition to regular full-time staff, the Department currently uses 4 part-time planners, totaling 1.35 FTE. Staffing
Figure 7 below shows the existing Organizational Structure of the Division. As the figure depicts, the regular fulltime Senior Planners report directly to the Community
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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