Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
Table 12 Current Planning Application Activities
FY 10/11
FY 11/12
FY 12/13
FY 13/14
FY 14/15
Current Planning
5-yr Average
Planning Applications 2
Development Agreements
140 -8%
196 40%
178 -9%
The five-year average for the Planning Applications (PA) processed was 139 and 22 for Development Agreement (DA) activity. Both PA and DA activity increased from FY 10/11 to FY 11/12, for an overall activity increase of 8.5%. From FY 11/12 to FY 12/13, PA activity dropped slightly, while DA activity significantly decreased by 40%. From FY 12/13 to FY13/14 overall PA and DA activity rose sharply, by 40%. The following year, PA activity decreased by 16%, while DA activity rose sharply by almost 63%, which likely corresponds to changed market conditions resulting from national recession recovery. Staff stated the applications most processed included, Architectural and Site Plan Review, Planned Development and Subdivision applications. In addition, Development Agreement activity is also significant. According to staff there are currently 24 active current planning applications (PA’s) and another 22 inactive cases are on file. PA’s are processed by all planner positions; however, certain planners have a reduced current planning caseload so that they can focus on special projects. For example, the Planners managing the TRAKiT system, Morgan Hill 2035 and the RDCS only have limited capacity available to manage current planning projects (see “staffing” heading below for more detail). As such PA caseloads vary for the available planners. Residential Development Control System We did not show discrete data showing the Residential Development Control System (RDCS) annual housing unit allocations. However, a Growth Management White Paper generated for the City in 2013, detailing the City’s RDCS Growth Control System stated that, “on average, the City has allocated 225 housing units through the - 1 Includes Administrative Subdivisions, Annexations, Appeals, Commercial Admin. Use Permits, Conceptual Plan Reviews, Cultural Resource Designations, Exception to Loss of Building Allocations, Env., Assessments, Extensions of Time, Measure C (RDCS), Micro Measure C, Minor Exceptions, Prelim. Measure C, Prelim Plan Review, Sign Permits, Site Review, Subdivisions, Temp. Use Permits, Tree Removal Permits, Uniform Sign Program, Urban Service Area, Use Permits, Variances, Williamson Act Cancellations, Zoning Amendments, Zoning Confirmations. % Change - 8.5%
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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