FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget
• Purchase of two advanced life support monitors and additional automated external defibrillators (AED) to increase capacity for Fire - $50,000 for FY 18-19 and $40,000 for FY 19 -20 • Purchase of three life size American Heart Association advanced cardiac and pediatric and infant mannequins; one adult, one child, and one infant, equipped with electronic feedback and testing capabilities for use in training on basic life support and advanced life support treatments and procedures - $25,000 (one-time) • Reroof, repair stucco, and paint exterior of the El Toro Station to ensure safety as their useful life has been exceeded - $180,000 (one-time)
Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility •
Continue to address the City's unfunded Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) liability by increasing contribution to the irrevocable trust so that the unfunded liability decreases over time - $100,000 annually
Supporting Youth, Seniors, and Entire Community • Contribute to the “Focus” Safe Parking Program project in collaboration with the County of Santa Clara, Morgan Hill Unified School District, Gilroy Compassion Center, and local faith- based community to provide respite and resources for local unsheltered families or persons living in cars or RVs - $30,000 (ongoing) • Contribute funding to the hiring of a dedicated South County Case Manager who will act as a “Housing Navigator” to serve as the main point of contact for individuals who have been targeted for housing interventions, but have not yet been accepted by a housing program - $50,000 (one-time) • Enhancing YMCA Partnership with additional group exercise classes, community building activities, upgrade card swipers to scanners, and adjust enrollment and daily fees - $61,000 each for the next two years Preserving and Cultivating Public Trust • Upgrade Building Manager position to Building Official to commensurate the current responsibility and activity - $20,000 (ongoing) • Replace the Fire/Building Inspector with Supervising Building Inspector to reflect the workload and responsibility - $10,000 (ongoing) • Increase funding for training for Development Services teammates and Planning Commissioners for professional development - $10,000 (ongoing)
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