FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget
Economic Development and Telecommunications • Upgrade the Economic Development Coordinator to Economic Development Manager to lead key projects and programs that advance economic development, including Telecommunications - $11,000 (ongoing) • Implement Senate Bill 743, shifting from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Standards as the measure of transportation impacts - $200,000 (one-time) • Enhance Monterey Road Underpass with landscaping - $45,000 (one-time and $5,000 ongoing) • Increase Economic Development Fellowship program funding to bring in high caliber temporary staff to assist in the implementation the Economic Blueprint - $20,000 (ongoing)
Fostering a Positive Organizational Culture •
Implement hourly wage increase to City temporary part-time positions to align with YMCA to maintain morale and equity and to continue to attract and retain a quality workforce - $53,000 (ongoing)
Infrastructure •
Increase the General Fund investment for street improvement projects - $750,000 for FY 19- 20 (Note that this decision package also addresses the Council’s ongoing priority of Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility) • Increase the General Fund investment for park maintenance to partially offset the loss of the Residential Development Control System (RDCS) funding - $150,000 ongoing (Note that this decision package also addresses the Council’s ongoing priority of Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility) • Increase funding to Building Replacement Fund for all City buildings and facilities to address unanticipated repairs and safeguard City’s assets - $250,000 ongoing (Note that this decision package also addresses the Council’s ongoing priority of Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility) • Purchase of a Hydro-Excavator Truck to safely locate and unearth underground utility lines, cables, and pipes allowing utility teammates to respond and repair water leaks more quickly – ($450,000 one-time and $50,000 ongoing)
Regional Initiatives • Hire an environmental review consultant to help City respond to the High Speed Rail’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR) - $100,000 (one-time)
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