FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget
Development Services (continued)
During FY 16-17 and FY 17-18, the Development Services Department worked on an array of projects. Morgan Hill’s Planning Team was consumed by four major activities: General Plan Update and clean up, the Mixed Use-Flex Economic Capacity Assessment, Zoning Code Update, and Measure “S” ballot initiative, which created the need for a new RDCS housing competition manual. In addition, major efforts were made to increase visibility of the California High Speed Rail planning and alignment decision making and impact assessment, as well as communication with the community about the process and timeline. The Housing Team held three TEFRA hearings to facilitate tax credit financing for rehabilitation of Village Avante/Park Place affordable rental housing, and new construction of the Urban Housing Community (UHC 39 unit) development and the EAH 41 unit scattered site affordable housing project. The City’s housing administration contractor, Housekeys, played a key role in management of the City’s Below Market Rate (BMR) housing ownership program. Homeless issues dominated much of the Housing Team’s daily activities, paving the way for a partnership with the faith based community to the create a “Safe Parking Program”, providing matching funds to pay for a South County specific Community Outreach Worker and identification of the need for dedicated South County Mental Health Case Managers. The proposed FY 18/19-19/20 budget continues permanent staffing levels, employing consultant services to augment increased demand. Several new initiatives are proposed, most significantly in Long Range Planning and Housing, with Homelessness activities. The cost of the Economic Development Division was previously accounted for in the City Manager’s Department. Effective FY 2018-19, this function is accounted for as its own Division within Development Services (General Fund). There is no net effect on Citywide FTEs as a result of this change.
Functional Responsibility • Building • Code Compliance •
Planning – Current and Long Range Land Development Engineering
Economic Development
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