FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget

Code Compliance


Division Description Code Compliance, previously an activity of the Building Division, was established as its own Division beginning in FY16-17. Code Compliance is responsible for enforcing building code violations and complaints/concerns and/or violation of the Morgan Hill Municipal Code.

Common concerns and complaints can be: • Work without permits • Home occupations • Junk/Debris in the front yard • Structures- (illegal garage conversions, additions, accessory structures) • Maintenance on vacant lots • Overgrown vegetation and weeds • Sign Enforcement

FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Accomplishments • 393 Code Compliance cases closed in FY16-17 • Reviewed 264 Business License applications for code compliance FY16-17 • Worked with the City Attorney’s office to create a new code compliant administrative citation bail schedule for noncompliant code violators • Created a multi-language Stop Work notice and implemented policies for enforcement of nonpermitted work FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Activity Goals • Continue to improve functionality of TRAKiT for Code Compliance management and tracking of cases (Preserving and Cultivating Public Trust) • Continue to implement recommendations from Management Partners Report for increased Code Compliance functionality (Preserving and Cultivating Public Trust) • Modify the policies and procedures manual for code compliance post administrative citation process approval (Preserving and Cultivating Public Trust) • Update website for ease of use to the public (Community Engagement and Messaging) • Create new brochure to increase the publics knowledge of various code requirements (Community Engagement and Messaging) • Utilize the GIS system for documenting code compliance activity and concerns (Enhancing Public Safety) Financial Comments Code Compliance Division consists of a Code Compliance Officer and 0.5 FTE Municipal Services Assistant. The recommended budget includes continuing the Code Compliance activities to be funded 50% by the General Fund, due to the nature of the work performed.


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