FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget



Project No.


Hale Avenue Extension


Streets & Roads


Engineering & Utilities

Council Priorities Enhancing Public Safety


Hale Ave (from Main Ave to Spring Ave)

Project Description Construct Hale Avenue between West Main Avenue and Spring Avenue. This portion of the larger Santa Teresa corridor does not currently exist, but when built will provide a north-south arterial roadway alternative west of Monterey Road. The Hale Avenue extension is designed as a two lane (one in each direction) multi-modal roadway with bike lanes and a separated pedestrian path. The project is at the 90% design stage with the Environmental Impact Report completed and certified in 2017. To complete the project, it will be necessary to finalize the design, purchase the remaining right-of-way, and build the roadway. The project is a Tier 1 candidate to receive $9.45 million in funding from the County-wide Measure B initiative. However, additional funding will be needed to complete the project. Timing for construction is dependent upon the availability and disbursement of Measure B funds. In the meantime, staff will continue to utilize Traffic Impact Funds to purchase right of way and complete the design. Project Justification The Hale Avenue Extension Project will provide congestion relief along Monterey Road through the Downtown and relief for the residential areas west of the Downtown that now bear the burden of commute and pass- through traffic. The roadway will include bike lanes and a pedestrian walkway to accommodate other modes of transportation.

Strategic Planning Documents The Hale Avenue Extension Project is included in the City's General Plan Circulation Element.

2019-2024 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program

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