Teammate Handbook Cover
City of Morgan Hill Personnel Rules Effective Date: January 23, 2008
e. Employees on a leave of absence without pay shall provide advanced written notice if he or she will be requesting additional unpaid time off from work.
f. Failure of the employee to return to employment upon the termination of any authorized leave of absence without giving notice to the City will be considered a voluntary resignation of employment due to job abandonment as outlined in Section 10.7 of these rules.
g. An authorized leave of absence without pay for a period of 30 days or less shall not be construed as a break in seniority or employment.
h. An authorized leave of absence without pay for a period of greater than 30 days shall be considered a break in service, however the employee shall retain certain rights as follows:
1) All seniority and leave credits shall be retained at the levels existing as of the effective date of the leave;
2) Vacation credits, sick leave credits, increase in salary, all other paid leaves, holidays and fringe benefits and other similar benefits shall not accrue during the period of absence;
3) The City shall not be required to maintain contributions toward group insurance or retirement coverage; and
4) To the extent provided by state or federal law, employees shall be reinstated to their former position or to a comparable position for which the employee is qualified if the former position is abolished during the period of leave.
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