Teammate Handbook Cover
City of Morgan Hill Personnel Rules Effective Date: January 23, 2008
10.1 Promotion: A regular employee may be promoted to a higher classification according to the process outlined in Section 6 of these rules. Upon promotion, the employee shall receive a new anniversary date and shall be required to serve a probationary period in that classification. The Department Director or the Appointing Authority may appoint a regular employee to serve in an acting position or out of class assignment to perform duties of a higher classification than that which they are regularly employed. The employee shall be compensated in accordance with the applicable Memoranda of Understanding or City Council Resolution governing management, professional, and confidential employees, provided that the employee is assigned to the acting position or out of class assignment for a period of at least 15 consecutive work days or 120 consecutive work hours. Time worked in an acting position or out of class assignment shall not earn credits toward seniority or the completion of probationary requirements in the higher class and does not change the employee’s FLSA exemption status. 10.3 Voluntary Transfers and Demotions: A regular employee may apply for transfer or demotion to another vacant position in the same or lower classification for which the employee is qualified. 10.2 Appointment to an Acting Position or Out of Class Assignment:
a. Employees may initiate a request for transfer or demotion by submitting a written memo to the Personnel Officer.
b. The Personnel Officer shall notify the appropriate Department Directors of the employee’s request to transfer or demote.
c. The employee may be transferred or demoted at the discretion of the Department Director for whom the employee now works and the Department Director for whom the employee wishes to work.
d. Employees who are voluntarily transferred or demoted must serve a 12 month probationary period in the new position.
10.4 Temporary Modified (Light Duty) Work Assignment : Employees who are unable to perform the full scope of their normal job duties due to an injury or illness may be assigned, on a case by case basis, to temporary modified work assignments. Such assignments shall be consistent with their functional limitations in accordance with the procedures listed in the employee’s current Memorandum of Understanding provided that:
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