Teammate Handbook Cover
Docusign Envelope ID: 5E46B3A1-B6E0-4939-BC67-4AAB4CBDC6DF
a. Ask your supervisor to provide direction.
b. Ask a Human Resources teammate to provide direction.
c. Ask yourself if your clothing is too short, too tight, too low cut, or simply too casual, and if you answer "yes" or "maybe," change your clothes to something more appropriate.
5.0 Ensuring Proper Attire:
5.1 Supervisors and Managers are responsible for ensuring that employees are appropriately dressed for their assigned duties. 5.2 Department Heads have the discretion to further expand on what is considered appropriate attire as long as it is not discriminatory against a protected classification. 5.3 In the judgment of their Supervisor and Manager, employees who are inappropriately dressed to promote a professional public image commensurate with their duties will be sent home and directed to return to work in appropriate attire. Such time away from work shall be deducted from the employee's appropriate leave balances. If leaves are not available, employee will be on leave without pay.
6.0 Termination of policy:
The City Manager has approved this policy and reserves the right to terminate the policy at any time without prior notice.
7.0 Collaboration and Communication
If you have questions or require further clarification, please discuss them with your Supervisor or the Human Resources Department.
Christina Turner, City Manager
Date: _____________________
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