Teammate Handbook Cover

Administrative Policies and Procedures Use of City Equipment, Information Resources, Cellular Phones, and Communication Resources III019 November 1, 2007 (Revised: July 10, 2009) Page 4 of 8 1. Use for fundraising or public relations activities not specifically related to City activities. 2. Use for political activities. 3. Use for personal or private business, including commercial advertising. 4. Use for access to and/or distribution of computer games that have no bearing on City business. C. Use for access to and/or distribution of: a) representations or descriptions of nudity or sexual acts; actual or simulated or patently offensive

representations or descriptions of excretory functions, or lewd exhibition of the genitals, b) Material sent or received in violation of the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977, as amended, 18 U.S.C. 2252. In rare circumstances, Police Department personnel may need to access such sites in the course of an authorized police investigation. Such access must be pre-approved by the employee’s supervisor. Use which interferes with or disrupts City employees, services, or equipment. Use to seek out information on, obtain copies of, disseminate, or modify files and other data which are confidential under federal, state, or local law, unless specifically authorized to do so once the legal conditions for release are satisfied. Use to copy any software, electronic file, program or data using City provided Internet access without a prior, good faith determination that such copying is, in fact, permissible and will not damage the integrity of the information technology. Any efforts to obtain permission should be documented by printing them out and retaining them as long as the software, electronic file, program or data is in use. Use in which employees intentionally represent themselves electronically as other employees, either on the City network or elsewhere on the Internet, unless explicitly authorized to do so by those other employees. Employees shall not circumvent established policies defining eligibility for access to information or systems. Use to develop programs designed to harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage or alter the software components or output.






Personal use of City owned information technology or personally owned information technology in the workplace is permitted in the following circumstances: A. Incidental, insignificant, and infrequent personal use of the City’s information technology may be allowed provided that:

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