Teammate Handbook Cover

Administrative Policies and Procedures Use of City Equipment, Information Resources, Cellular Phones, and Communication Resources III019 November 1, 2007 (Revised: July 10, 2009) Page 5 of 8

1. The use is on personal time and not on City time. 2. The use does not interfere with an employee’s own work performance or that of other City employees. 3. Personal files are saved on a removable media and not on City data storage devices or media. 4. No City supplies, such as paper, envelopes, or letterhead, are used for personal use. Employees must provide their own supplies. 5. The employee does not use his/her City job title or other indicia of authority when conducting personal business. 6. The use is not evident to the public so as to create adverse public perception. B. If an employee’s personal use is not incidental, insignificant, and infrequent, the employee must receive prior permission from their Department Director. Department Directors are to receive prior permission from the City Manager. USE OF TELEPHONES AND CELLULAR PHONES 6.1 City telephones and City owned cellular phones are available for use by City employees for official use only, except as authorized below. A. Use of personal cellular phones in the workplace is subject to this policy. B. A cellular phone may not be used while driving a City vehicle or while conducting city business while driving any vehicle unless such device is designed and configured to allow hands free listening and talking operations and is used in that manner while driving, unless the employee is using the cellular phone to make an emergency call to an emergency services agency. This section shall not apply to police officers while driving an emergency vehicle in the course and scope of duty.



Some classifications will be reimbursed by the City for official use of their personal cellular phone for official use based on the allowance schedule set forth in this policy. Some classifications will be issued a City owned cellular phone for official use.



Authorized personal use of City issued cellular phones. A.

Though personal calls are discouraged, particularly during regular working hours, it is recognized that brief personal calls are sometimes necessary. Employees should be sensitive to public perception when making such calls.

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