Urban Water Management Plan 2015
SBX7-7 Table 6 Gallons per Capita per Day Summary
Per Capita Water Use (gpcd)
10-15 Year Baseline
199 205 123
5 Year Baseline
2015 Compliance Year
5.7 2015 AND 2020 TARGETS Law
Consistent with the 2010 UWMP, the 2020 Urban Water Use Target was calculated using Method 1, which is indicated in SBX7-7 Table 7 . Method 1, as defined by DWR, is a straight 20 percent reduction in water use. Using Method 1, the City’s 2020 urban water use target is documented as 159 gpcd, which is summarized on the following page in SBX7-7 Table 7-A . The interim 10 percent reduction target to be met by 2015 was calculated as 179 gpcd, as summarized n the following page in SBX7-7 Table 8 . The 159 gpcd target is intended to be maintained through the UWMP horizon of 2040. 10608.12 (e) An urban retail water supplier shall include in its urban water management plan due in 2010…urban water use target, interim urban water use target,…along with the bases for determining those estimates, including references to supporting data (10608.20(e)). (g) An urban retail water supplier may update its 2020 urban water use target in its 2015 urban water management plan…
SBX7-7 Table 7 2020 Target Method
Target Method
Supporting Documentation
Method 1 SB X7-7 Table 7A
Method 2 SB X7-7 Tables 7B, 7C, and 7D
Method 3 SB X7-7 Table 7-E
Method 4 Method 4 Calculator
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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