Urban Water Management Plan 2015
SB X7-7 Table 7-A Target Method 1
10-15 Year Baseline
2020 Target
SBX7-7 Table 8 2015 Interim Target Per Capita Water Use
Confirmed 2020 Target 10-15 year Baseline
2015 Interim Target
5-Year Baseline – 2020 Target Confirmation
The 2020 Urban Water Use Target is required to reduce the City’s 2020 water use by a minimum of 5 percent from the 5-year baseline period (2003-2007). As calculated in SB X7-7 Table 5 , the average per capita water use for the 5-year baseline period is 205 gpcd. The 2020 Urban Water Use Target of 159 gpcd is an approximately 22% reduction from the 5-year average per capita water use, thereby confirming the 2020 Urban Water Use Target ( SB X7-7 Table 7-F ). 10608.22 Notwithstanding the method adopted by an urban retail water supplier pursuant to section 10608.20, an urban retail water supplier’s per capita daily water user reduction shall be no less than 5 percent of base daily per capita water use are defined in paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 10608.12. This section does not apply to an urban retail water supplier with a base daily per capita water use at or below 100 gallons per capita per day.
SBX7-7 Table 7-F Confirm Minimum Reduction for 2020 Target
5 Year Baseline GPCD
Maximum 2020 Target 1
Calculated 2020 Target
Confirmed 2020 Target
Notes: 1. Maximum 2020 Target is 95% of the 5-year Baseline per capita water use.
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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