Urban Water Management Plan 2015
In 2014, Assembly Bill 2067 amended the UWMPA for the purpose of streamlining the reporting requirements of retail agencies from 14 specific measures to 6 more general requirements as well as an “other” category. In addition to a description of the seven required demand management categories, narrative is provided addressing the nature and extent of each water demand management measure implemented over the past 5 years as well as additional measures the supplier plans on implementing to achieve its water use targets. 9.1 DEMAND MANAGEMENT MEASURES AND IMPLEMENTATION Law 10631 (f)(A) …The narrative shall describe the water demand management measure that the supplier plans to implement to achieve its water use targets pursuant to Section 10608.20. (B) The narrative pursuant to this paragraph shall include descriptions of the following water demand management measures: (i) Water waste prevention ordinances. (ii) Metering. (iii) Conservation pricing. (iv) Public education and outreach. 9.1.1 Water Waste Prevention Ordinances The City has water waste prevention ordinances stipulated in the Municipal Code, which are provided in Appendix C . In September 2015, the City adopted Ordinance 2159, which amended the City’s water conservation program and established three levels of water supply shortage response actions, which were further discussed in Chapter 8. Individuals in violation of these measures are subject to penalties. The measures in place as part of these permanent restrictions are summarized as follows: • Limit watering hours and duration. • No excessive water runoff or washing down of hard or paved surfaces. • Customers are required to repair leaks within ten days of notification by the City. • Prohibit washing vehicles except with the use of a handheld bucket or automatic shut-off hose. • Restaurant drinking water only served upon request (v) Programs to assess and manage distribution system real loss. (vi) Water conservation program coordination and staffing support. (vii) Other demand management measures that have a significant impact on water use as measured in gallons per capita per day, including innovative measures, if implemented.
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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