Urban Water Management Plan 2015
• Commercial lodging establishments must provide guests option to decline linen services • No installation of single pass cooling systems • No installation of non-recirculating water systems in new commercial car wash and laundry facilities. • Require restaurants to use water conserving dish wash spray valves. • Prohibit use of potable water for construction if recycled water is within five miles of the construction site. • Prohibit the construction of a pool without the inclusion of a pool cover. The City also has additional water conservation measures to be implemented during the three levels of a water supply shortage, which are summarized further in Chapter 8 as part of the City’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan. 9.1.2 Metering Law 526 (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, an urban water supplier that, on or after January 1, 2004, receives water from the federal Central Valley Project under a water service contract or subcontract…shall do both of the following: (b) (1) On or before January 1, 2013, install water meters on all service connections to residential and nonagricultural commercial buildings…located within its service area. 527 (a) An urban water supplier that is not subject to Section 526 shall do both of the following: (1) Install water meters on all municipal and industrial service connections located within its service area on or before January 1, 2025. The City’s Municipal Code requires all new connections to the water system to be equipped with a meter that records the volume of use. According the City’s 2010 UWMP, it is estimated that there are no unmetered connections within the City limits, as a flat rate has never been charged for water use within any city sector. As such, no program for retrofitting existing unmetered connections has been identified. In order to encourage additional water conservation the City has an ordinance in place that requires separate meters installed at multi-unit residences and in multi-use developments. Research has shown that water users responsible for paying for their own water use an average of 15% less water than if metered separately. The City expects to see a decrease in water use at the locations of these additional meters.
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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