Urban Water Management Plan 2015
• Special Events: City Staff have attended community festivals and exhibitions to promote water conservation. School Education Program SCVWD employs staff to develop and provide youth education through free classroom presentations, puppet plays, and tours of SCVWD facilities within the County. The intent of these education programs is to teach students about topics related to water conservation and water supply. According to SCVWD, their school education program has reached over 11,000 students per year over the last five years. 478 classroom presentations were provided in SCVWD FY 2015 and over 75 percent were to teachers what had been participating in the program for less than 5 years. This indicates educational program is continuing to inform an expanding audience. Water Conservation Rebate Programs The City is currently implementing the following rebate programs in cooperation with SCVWD: High-Efficiency Toilet Replacement The SCVWD high-efficiency toilet (HET) replacement program is scheduled to end in 2016. January 31, 2016 was the last day to purchasing a qualifying Premium HET; a Premium HET utilizes 1.1 gallons per flush (gpf), as compared to the 1.28 gpf of a standard HET. The deadline to qualify for a rebate was 90 days following the termination of the HET replacement program. Clothes Washer Rebate City customers who purchase and install a qualifying high-efficiency clothes washer are eligible to receive up to a $150 rebate. Graywater Laundry to Landscape Rebate Program SCVWD provides a Graywater Laundry to Landscape rebate of $200 per single family residence. City residents can qualify for this rebate based on proper connection of a clothes washer to a graywater irrigation system. Currently, this rebate program is available through June 30, 2016. 9.1.5 Programs to Assess and Manage Distribution System Real Loss In order to determine if leaks exist in the supply and distribution system, actual metered water use is compared to total well production. Monthly production is tracked and reviewed annually to determine of the system is experiencing any significant losses. Upon the determination that a source of significant loss exists, the Maintenance Department will determine the specific location of the loss and schedule any discovered leaks for repair. A record of leak discovery and repair are kept, as well as documentation of each incidence and/or detected leak. Upon the completion of a
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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