Urban Water Management Plan 2015
repair, follow up comparison of production versus water use is tracked to estimate the total amount of water saved due to the repair The City has implemented a system water audit to determine if leaks in the supply and distribution system exist and a method for repair in the event that the leaks become significant. The system audit is performed by tracking the actual metered water use, which can be compared to total well production. Production is tracked monthly, and reviewed annually to determine if the system exhibits significant losses. 9.1.6 Water Conservation Program Coordination and Staffing Support In order to manage and coordinate the water conservation programs implemented by the City, an employee is appointed to be responsible for water conservation. Currently, the duties of the Water Conservation Coordinator do not require a full-time position, and therefore it is part of the duties of another full-time employee. Duties for the Water Conservation Coordinator can include: • Coordinate water conservation programs and implementation. This includes coordination with operations planning and staff. • Keep record of conservation measures invoked by the City. • Respond to general inquiries and requests for information made by the public. • Communicate and promote of current trends and issues of water conservation issues to City senior management 9.1.7 Other Demand Management Measures – Water-Wise Landscaping The City encourages members of the community to use water-efficient gardening techniques. The City makes SCVWD Water-Wise Gardening software available to the public on computer stations set up in City Hall. This software provides resources showcasing water-efficient gardens, photos of landscaping examples, and detailed descriptions of more than 1,000 plants. City Hall also has an on-site Demonstration Garden that displays drought tolerant, native California plants, and compatible hardscape materials.
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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