Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

separate categories. Projects with the highest points are awarded a building allotment. Following an allotment award, entitlements must be secured through the development review process. Applicants that are granted RDCS allotments must enter into a Development Agreement (DA) with the City that describes and outlines the project commitments, phasing and construction timing. Any proposed modification to a DA has to be considered by both the Planning Commission and City Council, even if the modification benefits the community or improves the project. As such, DA modifications can create construction delays. Applicants that are granted allotments are required to begin constructing the allotment by the end of the fiscal year for which the allotment was allocated. If they don’t, they lose their allotment(s) and have reapply for the allotment(s) through the competitive allotment process. The Council has discretion for granting extensions through a hearing process. The Planning Commission PC) determines whether to revise RDCS criteria annually. If the PC decides changes are needed, a working group is formed from that includes individuals from the development community, planning commission and council members. Recommended changes are then studied a Sub-committee of the Planning Commission. Sub-Committee recommendations are then considered by the full PC in a public hearing. PC’s recommended changes are then forwarded to the Council for final consideration and formal adoption as an Ordinance Amendment in a public hearing. The Planning Commission determined that revisions to the RDCS criteria would not be undertaken this year. Currently, a major update of Measure C is underway and will be voted on in November. The replacement Measure would establish a 2035 population cap and provide a new competition manual (e.g., standards and criteria) and other potential features such as preliminary review requirements. Administration of the RDCS process is fairly labor intensive and requires nearly 1 fulltime staff person, annually, to administer. Figure 12 below shows the milestone steps in the administration process.

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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