Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
70. Recommendation: The Economic Development Manager and Economic Development Coordinator position job descriptions should be updated.
Marketing Materials/Handouts
Staff noted that they are working on updating market demographics, as it is part of their regular work program, which is good. In addition, staff identified a need for a handout that explains how to start a business. 71. Recommendation: The Economic Development Manager should create a handout that explains how to start a business and post it on the Division web page. Meetings Economic Development staff is collocated with other Community Development staff in the Development Services building. Meetings are held between the two staff members as needed to strategize on work efforts and solve problems. In addition, Economic Development Staff stated they sometimes attend Department-wide meetings to help facilitate communication and coordination across the Department. Staff also said that they attend DRC meetings on occasion and are often involved in developer meetings involving key economic development proposals with Community Development Management and other staff outside of the development review process. 72. Recommendation: The Economic Development staff should regularly attend Department wide meetings to facilitate communication and coordination across Department functions.
Ombudsman Services
The staff interviewed said that they offer Ombudsman Services. The Economic Development web pages indicate Ombudsman Services are available for small business and other businesses in their interactions with City departments. The Ombudsman Service is generally described as a service where staff can act as mediators to help build consensus when development-processing disputes arise. In addition, as Ombudsmen, Economic Development Staff said that they can work with staff from other development-related city departments to ensure projects moves through the development process as smoothly as possible.
Staff noted that their Ombudsman services generally focus on non-residential projects, however, they have and will provide assistance for residential projects that
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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